Shaping Little Minds
Are you a teacher wanting more support in your teaching career? Then this is the place for you! Listen anytime, learn and become your best teacher self by diving into all things teaching.
Shaping Little Minds
#158: Break Up with “teacher norms”
"Does this sound familiar?
- Answering emails at 10pm because you feel like you have no choice
- Dragging yourself out of bed exhausted, because everyone says burnout is “just how it is”
- Skipping dinner with your family to finish grading or prepping, so you don’t feel like a bad teacher
If you said yes to any or all of this, I want you to know this:
It’s not your fault you feel this way. Teaching was not supposed to be like this."
In this episode, I am going to help you start to shift your mindset. I’ve taken audio clips from the workshop to help you understand how to shift your mindset.
Email Adva with questions on classroom/behavior management: ah.education.consultation@gmail.com